

The sensor of friable materials of SUM- 1 targets at control and automation of level of grain, sand and similar friable products.

Exploited in a shopfloor, or is under some cover, where difference between the vibrations of temperature, and also humidity of air outdoors and apartment not substantial. For work of sensor of SUM-1 free access of air is important outside, and absence of hit of direct sunbeams and different climatic fallouts.

Technical descriptions

Parameters Norm
Alternating voltage, W 220
Current, А 2
Сurrent frequency, Hz 50
Effort actuation, Н 0,5±20%
Probability of faultless work for a 2000 o’clock of work, no less 0.94
Set faultless work, cycles, no less 30000
Middle tenure of employment, years 10
Mass, kg, no more 0,45
Execution on the degree of defence a shell IP 65