
SKIF is a navigation and information system developed by the specialists of several «Monitoring plus» companies, who applied the latest and most advanced technologies taking into account many years of practical experience in the field of monitoring of mobile and static objects. SKIF is the first software (hereinafter referred to as “Software”) developed in the Republic of Kazakhstan with registered copyright not only in the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also in the CIS countries.

SKIF is a truly universal platform which was not solely created by our company’s employees, but with assistance provided by scientists from research centers and institutes of Kazakhstan and Russia, as well as by leading experts from different industries and fields of economy. The software features unique options to be scaled and modified to be suitable both for any specific industry solutions and for target needs of the client.

We used the most flexible and reliable mechanisms when designing and developing the technical part of the software: SKIF is developed on the basis of Java and the JavaScript programming language using PostgreSQL which has powerful and reliable mechanisms for transactions, replication and processing of GEO data. Availability of simple and open JSON API allows quick and easy integration with any external accounting and control systems.

«Monitoring Plus» company is also actively developing its own division responsible for creating electronic maps and their updating, therefore our software has not only a modern, but also the most up-to-date integrated map server. Our electronic map is a multi-layer resource including housing and communal services systems, streets, roads, driveways, residential and non-residential buildings, construction plans and providing brief information about the objects and their condition.

In addition to the web application, «Monitoring Plus» also offers to use SKIF mobile applications for mobile devices supporting Android and iOS platforms, granting to our customers a possibility to monitor and manage the monitored objects at any time from anywhere in the world!

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